Hip/ Knee Pain

Knee pain can be a pain in the butt (literally, we’ll get to that later), but it doesn’t have to be a pain in YOUR butt! Did you know chiropractic care can help resolve knee and hip issues? These two areas are intimately connected in function but most people are unaware their knee pain may actually be coming from their hip or pelvis.

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An example of this relationship can be found in the gluteus medius. If you’ve been coming to Cornerstone for some time, you might have noticed that we treat this muscle quite often. The glut med acts as a lateral stabilizer for the hips and low back, meaning, when you walk, it keeps your hips in one place instead of swaying from side to side. Excessive sway can put massive amounts of strain on your knees as your center of gravity changes. If you experience knee issues frequently, you may have noticed that while the inside is painful, your IT (iliotibial) band is also always extremely tight. This band attaches your pelvis to your knee via a few muscles including the tensor fascia latae, or TFL, near where your front pant pocket sits. This muscle and your glut med both function as you walk to stabilize your body and center you over your feet. This means when your mechanics are dysfunctional, these muscles can get weak and tight while trying to protect you. Here at Cornerstone, we are specialists in a variety of soft tissue techniques we can use to treat these areas, in addition to making sure the joints are functioning properly. This allows you to experience pain resolution quicker, while also correcting the underlying functional issues.

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Do you notice aching or nagging hip pain throughout the day? In the same way that a weak gluteus medius can cause issues within the knee, it can also create hip and low back dysfunction. Walking is an integral part of life, so imagine what is happening every day as your body is unable to stabilize doing something we do so frequently. You might not notice immediately but as the years of wear and tear in a dysfunctional pattern continue, problems begin to arise. Joints become restricted, muscles become tight while trying to protect you, and you continue to slip down the slope. This can eventually cause arthritic changes if you don’t address the underlying cause. By addressing the joint restrictions in the area, the soft tissue, and providing you with home care and therapeutic exercise we can change your body’s pattern and allow for long-lasting optimal healing and function!

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